WLC French Lithography

World Languages & Cultures is committed to teaching languages in their cultural contexts and to preparing students to function effectively in today’s globally connected world. Our coursework is designed to heighten students’ intellectual and linguistic flexibility and to foster creative thinking by exploring communicative language systems other than English and the social, cultural, political, and historical manifestations of the diverse societies that use those language systems.



Achieving linguistic and intercultural proficiency is a significant achievement that requires dedication and tremendous effort by each student. Our department offers several programs to help students majoring and minoring in World Languages and Cultures succeed. 

The Language Resource Center provides free peer-tutoring, resources, and programming to support the learning of languages and cultures.

Learn more about the Language Resource Center

Career Information

Students with advanced language and intercultural skills find employment in government or foreign service, travel and hospitality, public or private schools, higher education, banking, journalism, religious ministry, and international business, just to mention a few areas.  Recent graduates are teaching in Georgia, other states, and overseas; completing masters and PhD programs; working in local, state, and federal government agencies, and working for non-profit or mission organizations both in the US and abroad.

Clubs and Honor Societies

All students are encouraged to become members of the Spanish Club or the French Club. Students meeting certain requirements are invited to become members of Kappa Psi, the local chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society or of Xi Upsilon, the local chapter of Pi Delta Phi, the National French Honor Society.